Bells Ring Out for Jubilee

On Thursday morning, 2nd June, a band of 8 bellringing experts will attempt to ring a “peal” on the bells of St Mary’s in Hemel Hempstead High Street to celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee.

This consists of about 3 hours of continuous ringing, with over 5000 changes in the order of the bells, and requires physical and mental stamina, great skill and concentration. The estimated finish time, if they are successful, is about 12:30.

Sadly the paeal was 'lost', however a Quarter peal of Cambridge Surprise Major was scored - see details

On Friday 3rd June from 11:00 to 11:30 there was special ringing by members of the local band

70 Grandsire Triples

70 Chall Changes to Queens and back

70 Grandsire Triples

Call Changes 


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